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Monday 20 May 2013

Final entry: How the attraction impacts sunny Singapore

Every attraction will cause impacts to it's host country, and S.E.A Aquarium has impacted the destination both positively and negatively. 

I have identified that this attraction mainly impacts on aspects of economic, environmental and socio-cultural. 


Firstly, the development of this large scale attraction will require supply to match it's high demands. Hence vast amounts of job opportunities are created for the locals. With increased working individuals, the general income of Singaporeans increase and hence rises and contributes to the overall revenue of the country. 

Also an attraction that draws high numbers of tourists, increases the overall spending during their stay and visit, and generates tourism receipts.

Moreover, with such attractive attractions developed, investors are more inclined to invest in Singapore. The attraction hence indirectly plays a role in enticing potential investors that draws significant foreign currencies into Singapore. 

Hence the attraction will directly and indirectly create a money multiplier and chain effect among Singapore. This boosts the local economy as money is created, earned and constantly pumped in.

However, the money pumped into developing the attraction could have forgone other possible developments. 

Due to the marine life nature of the aquarium, environmental is definitely impacted. S.E.A Aquarium puts in its efforts to be environmentally friendly. It actually has a conservation sector in the attraction itself.

This indirectly and positively impacts the environmental health of Singapore. Where visitors will learn about the nasty impacts of fishing, shark fins and such. 

Therefore, the education encourages Singaporeans to be environmentally friendly and responsible. 

This created awareness could help alleviate possible future aqautic/sea life issues in Singapore. Also increases public responsibility, and promoting conservation of marine life/ sustainable fishing. 


Continuing from the above impact, the educational element provided by the attraction will in turn educate the younger generation of Singapore.

Singapore could possibly be free from irresponsible sea and aquatic life issues caused by citizens. It promotes a general positive awareness amongst Singaporeans, to cultivate good social habits, example, not eating shark fins or practising sustainable fishing.

The inclusive attraction also promotes a generally healthy way of including everyone in the society. Local visitors might be reminded of the less noticeable people in society. Hence increasing the social cohesiveness of Singapore.

Also, as the attraction attracts tourists, locals get to meet and mingle with people of different cultures. This improves Singapore's cultural realm where people are exposed to other cultures, lifestyles and behaviours. 

Locals could possibly pick up good cultural habits or lifestyles from the exposure to the tourists.

However given the exposure, Singaporeans might also pick up bad social habits from the different cultures. Or possibly morphing into a pseudo culture to suit to the tourists needs. 

The conducive environment also allows locals to have a place of retreat, to bond, interact and have fun at. This can improve the social aspects of Singaporeans where most are too busy or distracted by work/school/family. 

I have also identified another impact, namely political.


The development of a very well received and equipped attraction can be a stepping stone to Singapore's marine life scene.

The appealing attraction can increase Singapore's beauty and attractiveness globally. This build's Singapore's reputation/image on an international scale and cause people to be more inclined to visit and invest. 

To sum it all up, this attraction can bring both positive and negative impacts to Singapore. Not all attractions can survive with negative impacts. However, more beneficial impacts are generated, which makes the S.E.A Aquarium sustainable in my opinion. 

This comes to my final closure on this attraction, the S.E.A Aquarium. I hope my in depth analysis, observations and information has made it easy for you to understand this attraction better. Leaving you excited and convinced to visit this worthy Aquarium soon. I look forward to hearing from you of your experience and views of the attraction, whether you are agreeable with me.

Signing off, X

Sources: seekingalpha.com

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