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Saturday 18 May 2013

Post visit entry 2: Motivating factors & going in-depth

Here goes, an in depth post about the bonus museum and aquarium, I’m sure it’s going to leave you (Carrie) psyched to visit soon!

Carrying on from entry 1,

The bonus maritime experiential museum has a wide array of artifacts which is almost surreal as seen in the picture below.
As to what I witnessed, both the young & old were easily amused at the realistic figures and artifacts.

Interactive and informative panels were strategically placed at almost every section making it accessible and noticeable. Allowing visitors especially children to engage in an educative and engaging lesson, varying from videos, games or simply information made stimulating. Older folks were also seen excitedly engaged in the touch screen panels that made it much less daunting to their less proficient eyesight.

What I found interesting and appealing was the presence of several tangible elements. A clay making station was open for children to have hands on experience on relating to the particular country’s history. This was especially popular to families as parents enjoyably stood by their child. Also, a reasonably priced photo-taking “pirate bay” station that was more popular to the tourists.

Just the bonus museum was quite a bit isn't it? The ticket price of only $20(Children,Senior,Student) and $29(Normal) is valuable as it packs so much educational, fun and interactive learning in even before entering the aquarium. This makes the attraction worth its price.

Next, stepping foot into the aquarium is eye opening, as you enter the tunnel surrounding you with marine life.

The wide variety of marine life will draw you into the never ending sea of fishes. As mentioned this attractions holds more than 800 species of marine animals of manta rays, gentle giants, fishes, over 200 sharks and even dolphins! 

This is very rewarding in all aspects, as it relaxes, educates and gives you an overall enjoyable time. Each viewing panel are readily equipped with informative panels for customer to learn about the different fishes or any interesting facts. While being amongst all the fishes swimming gracefully above or beside you just relaxes one (especially students like us) as it is visually stimulating yet relaxing.  

What more, S.E.A Aquarium has the world’s largest viewing open gallery of 36-metre (118 ft) wide and 8.3-metre (27 ft) tall which opens up to huge manta rays, sharks and schools of fishes.

The view is so spectacular and overwhelming it is almost surreal, giving the experience of a lifetime. The marine habitat and life is so close it almost feels like you are deep on the floor of the oceanic blue. You get to witness the lives of these marine life as manta rays dance around the large ocean. Schools of fishes sweeping by you and sand sharks lazily thread the waters.

Secondly, this huge attraction that attracts a vast mix visitor market is great for observations. Especially for a tourism student like you & I, you get to observe the varied tourists and visitors. How the attraction has particularly done well in catering to the needs and wants of the consumers that will be further talked about below.

Thirdly, the attraction had provided all aspects of the 3 levels in an attraction product.

In terms of the the 3 levels,

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Core: Their core is delivering a fun and educative experience in a marine life context. Like what they have branded themselves as “Where learning meets fun”. The interactive and adequately prepared tangibles satisfy the needs and wants of the customers.

Hence, I believe they have managed to grasp this idea well and deliver it to customers. To me, it was indeed fun and enriching. I learnt many fun facts about marine life and had satisfied my want of exploring the “deep oceans” safely. Hence you will be in for an enriching yet fun time here at the aquarium.

Tangible product: In terms of this level, the aquarium has been designed in a progressive layout for customers, where each different area holds different displays of marine life from the featured sea. It would be like a journey throughout the different seas of Asia and habitats of marine animals. Moreover, photography is allowed, hence visitors are able to take away their experience in photographic memories. 

Every area provides adequate and satisfying variety of marine life ranging from sea, salt and fresh water aquatic animals. Viewing panels are large enough to provide a clear view of the marine life to customers.

However to avoid disappointment, I suggest visiting during off peak periods so as to obtain the optimal view!

Moreover informative panels or information in several languages are strategically located like the ones at the museum, where it is easily noticeable and readable. Whether it came in handouts, visual or touch screen interactive manner, all provided sufficient information.

Above all the more obvious tangibles of well equipped viewing galleries, informative and interactive panels, the less noticeable tangibles like the service staff of the attraction tops it all. 

An interactive and experiential “touch pool” is present for customers to engage in a “touching” of starfishes and cucumbers session. Where staff educates on the marine life and greatly encourages users especially children to give the animals a touch.

Service staffs were consistently seen patrolling around or situated at several locations to provide assistance or guidance to customers. They possessed a positive attitude and a readily available disposition as I saw a particular staff assisting a wheelchair bound user to manoeuvre out of the crowd.

Many of them were approachable and more than willing to share their marine life/attraction knowledge to curious visitors. Hence you would feel comfortable to approach them for questions or anything.

Like myself, I dropped my dollar note and the staffs were very helpful in assisting me with the lost note. They searched the floors with me and eventually I retrieved the $10 back.

Other than these tangibles, safety and layout of the attraction is very well thought out. As mentioned above, maps are sufficiently provided to ensure a smooth experience without missing out on anything.

 Since aquariums are usually dim lited, I found that the safety, exit signs and directions were still noticeable and clear. This plays an important role as the attraction is an enclosed area, hence you can have no worries on safety or human traffic. Although it gets crowded at certain viewing galleries, the ample space is adequate to have a smooth journey in the aquarium.

Augmented Product: We come to this last level that the aquarium has included in the whole experience too.

I learnt from one of the staffs that tours are made available upon request and booking, be it for corporates, schools or tourists. This information can be also found online on their “visitor info” page on the official S.E.A Aquarium of RWS website.

The common and ample car parks are conveniently located at the basement of RWS, where users can simply park and take the escalators up to this attraction.

Toilets are provided at locatable, acessible and convenient locations throughout the attraction.

Ancillary services are also present, where they have strike a balance of including two contrasting Food & Beverage outlets at the attraction itself. 

One of a casual snack bar and the other, a fine dining Chinese restaurant serving sustainable seafood. If given a chance, you could try the fine dining as it offers an unobstructed view of the open ocean gallery as you dine. That can be one memorable experience that I unfortunately did not try.

At the beginning and end of the attraction, retail products/souvenirs are attractively sold for users looking to bring home a tangible memory. In the aquarium itself, a pressed penny vending-like machine is present for customers. I myself could not resist to get one myself at only $2.

Moreover, the large and satisfying viewing panels are not the only visuals you can experience. An added feature named the "Focus Lens" totally blew my mind. 

As seen from the picture above, this feature actually unravels an interesting fact of this fish species. On closer look, you can see the baby of the pregnant fish move. Hence this unique feature gives us customers a much unexpected experience. Allowing us to learn of such fishes and have a close up view to it.

Other than these, what impressed me and you will observe is the “all-user” friendly interior of the attraction. As mentioned before, the attraction is open to anyone and everyone even the physically impaired. As seen, some elderly and physically impaired citizens from Yuhua were invited. More info can be found on http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/elderly-and-physically-challenged-visit/612148.html#.UZiN6S2JmkQ.email 
Hence, you will find that ramps, railings and lifts are all present. This greatly aids users like the wheel-chair bound, as not all attractions put this into their layout design.

Flooring were non-slip which is very appropriate, given the large number of children running around the aquarium.  At designated areas like the open ocean gallery spreads out to carpeted floors. Great for a relaxing time as most customers were seen resting on the floors.

Finally, the whole atmosphere of the attraction is satisfyingly relaxing as they play sounds or music of the sea to add on to this experiential experience. 

Like at the open ocean gallery where most people sit back to immerse themselve in the spectacular view, soft and relaxing music is played. While at the dolphin habitat, dolphin sounds are played to make the environment even more surreal.

Lastly, in my opinion, the three levels have been well delivered to customers as it satisfies the demand of our wants and needs.Therefore you can look forward to a beneficial experience. 

In conclusion of this entry of motivating factors, tangibles and intangibles, you will definitely be in for an interactive, hands on, educational, observational and relaxing experience. Also, busy individuals like students can finish the attraction in approximately 2 hours, where all aspects can be explored. Unlike some attractions, time constraint might disallow visitors to explore all areas of the place as it is too widespread or difficult to manoeuvre. 

With all the positive attributes and all rounded environment, I’m sure you are even more motivated to visit this attraction now, not forgetting the bonus museum!

Ps: Pardon the lengthy post as I have simply too much to share about this amazing attraction. Also the uneven fonts is due to blogger's technical error that can't seem to be resolved.

Next entry on more analytical topics.

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